Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Online class on Achievement test and Diagnostic test

 Dr. Issac Paul Sir, the Head of the department of commerce and the associate professor of government College of teacher education, Thycaud arranged an online class on the construction of achievement test and diagnostic test on 31/01/2023 at 8:00 PM via google meet.

The You Tube video link 👉 Achievement Test

                                        👉Diagnostic Test


 Today (31/01/2023) was the 51th day of teaching practice in G.M.B.H.S.S, Thycaud.

Today I started a new chapter in the plus one G class. The chapter was  "Business Services".

Today I completed some of the B.Ed. works from the staffroom  school students as compared to the regular students. He told me that in north India, most of the students go for open school and focus on profession like civil service.

During the afternoon, teachers were busy with signing record books of plus two students.

A journey through the Indian constitution

A session called  "A journey through the Indian constitution " was arranged by the  PTA of G.M.B.H.S.S, Thycaud to the parents of the school students on 31/01/2023.

You Tube video link 👉 Constitution

Monday, January 30, 2023




 30/01/2023 was the 50th day of our teaching practice.

Today was a wonderful day in Government Model Boys Higher Secondary School, Thycaud.

Today I did not have periods in classes, so in the first period I got an exam duty in room number 12.

After the exam duty, I spend time with our respected commerce teacher Christopher Johnny sir.

He talked about the vacancies of commerce teacher in higher secondary schools. Then we went to the vegetable garden of the Model school and cultivated some vegetables. 

After the lunch break again I got an exam duty in the AC hall. After the exam there was photo session of the Class group photos of plus two students. I took some photos from there.

Flip Book
