Monday, February 20, 2023

തോടയം - Arts fest 2022-2023

 On 21 / 02 / 2023 Tuesday, The arts day was celebrated in Government college of Teacher Education, Thycaud, Thiruvananthapuram.

The program was inaugurated by Srimathi Vineetha V ( Sri Swathi Thirunal Music College,  Thiruvananthapuram).

Friday, February 17, 2023


    Sports club inauguration and sports day was conducted On 17th February 2023 in the university stadium, Palayam, Thiruvananthapuram.

The sports club inauguration is done by professor D.r. Raziya K. L, Director of physical education, University of Kerala.

I actively participated in the sports event and got 4 medals.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

DAY 56 - The last Day

 07/02/2023 was the last day of teaching practice.

Today I got a period in the second hour and I taught them e banking and it's benefits 

During the afternoon we the training teachers of Higher secondary school arranged a farewell program in plus one G class and distributed sweets to teachers and students.

Some students gave gifts to me which made me so happy.

And we say thanks to all the teachers and students.

Monday, February 6, 2023


 06/02/2023 was the 55th day of teaching practice in GMBHSS, Thycaud.

Today I got periods in 2nd and 5th hour in plus one G class.

During the 2nd hour I taught them the concept of Insurance and during the 5th hour I dealt with Life insurance.

During the last hour i got time for conducting  "Achievement Test".

Friday, February 3, 2023


 03/02/2023 Friday was the 54th day of Teaching practice in G.M. B. H. S. S, Thycaud.

Today I  got two periods in Plus one G and I taught business studies in plus one G class during the second hour.

The topic which dealt was "Banking, types of banks and functions of commercial banks".

During the fourth hour I taught them the topic e-bannking.

During afternoon, there was a archery training program in the assembly Hall of Government Model Boys Higher Secondary School, Thycaud.

The training was done by Kerala state archery gold medal winner.

Thursday, February 2, 2023


 01/02/2023 was the 53rd  day of teaching practice.

Today I dealt with the topic "Types of Business Service" in the plus one G class.

Physical education observation

 02/02/2023 Thursday was the - day of teaching practice in G.M.B.H.S.S, Thycaud.

Today the physical education teacher Shri Roshkumar sir came for observation of the health education class from 11 AM to 1 PM.

I taught Vitamin D from the education to the students of plus one G class.

after completing the class Roshkumar sir congratulated me and said ," Husnul, your class was excellent". it really touched my heart and I was very happy in the entire day.

Health Education Lesson Plan👉Vitamin D

Flip Book