Thursday, July 27, 2023

DAY 30

 27/07/2023 Thursday was the 30th day of teaching practice in ST. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I had a period in plus two class and I dealt with Staffing.

there was a parents class meeting at 2 pm. I also took part in the meeting. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Awareness class on Child Abuse

 St. Mary's HSS, Pattom has organized an awareness program to  the higher secondary school teachers  on child abuse.

I also took part in that program which was held in the botany lab.

DAY 29

 26/07/2023 Wednesday was the 29th day of teaching practice.

Today I had 2 periods and I dealt with Chapter 6 staffing.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

DAY 27

 25/07/23 was the 27th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I dealt with the chapter "Staffing".

Monday, July 24, 2023

DAY 26

 24/07/23 Monday was the 26th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I had 2 periods in Plus two class.

Today Introduced the 6th chapter of Business Studies.

DAY 25

 22/07/2023 Saturday was the 25th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I had no periods in plus two classes.

Today there was a football selection process in the school groud. So I participated in that program.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Weekly Report 6

 19/07/2023 to 21/07/2023 was the 6th week of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

During this week I conducted Achievement test on the 2nd chapter " Principles of Management".

During this week I also started the 5th chapter Organising.

DAY 24

 21/07/2023 Friday was the 24th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today i had 2 periods and i dealt with the chapter organising.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

DAY 23

 20/07/2023 Thursday was the 23rd day of teaching practice.

Today I had 3 periods and I dealt with Oraganising.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Career Guidance Class

 In association with ICAI St. Mary's HSS, Pattom organised a career guidance class for plus two commerce students in the mini auditorium.

I also took a part in this programme.

DAY 22

19/07/2023 Tuesday was the 22nd day of teaching practice.

Today I had 2 periods in plus two J class.

During the 2nd hour I conducted the Achievement Test on the chapter Principles of management.  And during the 10th hour I started the 5th unit "Organizing".

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Reflection Session In College

 A reflection session about the teaching practice experience was conducted by GCTEC, Thycaud on 15/07/2023

I got an opportunity to share my teaching experience in front my teachers and classmates

Friday, July 14, 2023


The 5th week was between 10/7/2023 to 14/07/2023.

During this week my optional teacher Dr. Issac Paul came to the school for observing my class.

I took class on the types of plan.

I was able to perform well in the class.

During this week I also completed the 2nd chapter named " Principles of Management"

And I discussed plenty of Previous years questions with my students.


The fourth week was between 03/07/2023 to 07/07/2023.

During this week I completed the scientific management principles. And introduced some of Principles of Henry Fayol


The third week of teaching practice was between 26/06/2023 to 30/06/2023.

During this week I completed the 4th unit called " Planning ".

And during this week I started the new unit named Principles of Management.


The second week of teaching practice was between 19/06/2023 to 23/06/2023.

During this week I completed the 3rd unit named " Business Environment ".

The second week of teaching practice was really nice.

I got some opportunities to experience the higher secondary teacher experiences.

DAY 21

 14/06/2023 Friday was the 21st day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I had 2 periods in plus one J class.

During the first hour I revised the chapter 3 and during the last hour I concluded the chapter 2 principles of management.

Thursday, July 13, 2023


 13/07/2023 Thursday was the 20th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today My optinal teacher Issac sir came for observation.

I taught them the types of plan in the 4th hour.

After the class Issac Sir told me that your class was very good and my formal dress was too good.

I am really happy today since I was able to performance well in front of my teacher.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

DAY 19

 12/07/2023 Wednesday was the 19th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I had 2 periods in plus two J class.

During the first period I dealt with the Fayol's Principles of management.

And during the last hour I discussed some previous years questions on business studies in the class.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

DAY 18

 12/07/2023 Tuesday was the 18th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, PATTOM.

Today, I conducted Diagnostic test in plus two J class.

Also there was a selection program on best singer of St. Mary's in the botany lab. I got an opportunity to be a judge in the program

Monday, July 10, 2023

DAY 17

 10/07/2023 Monday was the 17th day of teaching practice.

Today I dealt with the principles of management

Friday, July 7, 2023

DAY 16

 07/07/2023 Friday was the 16th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today there was no class for plus two students because of valuation program in the auditorium 

Thursday, July 6, 2023

DAY 15

 06/07/2023 Thursday was the 15th day of teaching practice.

Today Higher secondary Exam valuation was there in the mini auditorium of the st. Mary's HSS, Pattom. So I did not have class.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Day 14

 05/07/2023 Wednesday was the 14th day of teaching practice.

Today I had two periods and I dealt with Fayol's 14 Principles of Management 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

DAY 13

 04/07/2023 Tuesday was the 13th day of teaching practice in St. Maty's HSS, Pattom.

Today I got a period in plus two J class in the 5th hour and dealt with the scientific Management Principles put forward by F. W Taylor.

Monday, July 3, 2023

DAY 12

 03/07/2023 Monday was the 12th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today the Students didn't have class since the school is celebrating St. Thomas Day.

I had plus one admission duties in the zoology lab

Day 11

 30/06/2023 Friday was the 11th day of teaching practice in St. Mary's HSS, Pattom.

Today I dealt with Principles of Management.

Flip Book